Val's Munchies

When someone offers you a tic tac - take it. I want to grab life by the crack and lick all the crap out of it! (thanks Barney! lol) I love spending time with my wonderful, loving family, learning more and more each day about my gracious, loving God! I guess I want to start using this blog not only for the crazy things that happen to me, but to share my journey with the Lord...Welcome to my life!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Never come across this one before...


So I'm not sure how many of you out there have seen something like this before. Today as Tennille, my co-worker, and I were out for lunch, we witnessed a car driving toward us! That's right - driving on the wrong side of the road! How does that even happen? I don't even know how people do that or where they were coming from to get on the wrong side of the street! With a median dividing the two sides!!! It's FRIDICULOUS!!!

It really quite threw us off! For a few moments it made us think if we were actually the ones going the wrong way! HELLO McFLY!!! ONLY IN ENGLAND!

As you may have guessed - DING DING DING - you're right! It was an old woman driving this wayward vehicle!

Where are the cops when you need them? Yup - sitting with their hazard lights on at a hardly important intersection for no apparent reason - ALL DAY! I saw them sitting there on my way to work this morning. We saw them when we left for lunch and they were still there on our way back after lunch! No idea why they are there - NOT A CLUE! Apparently they have nothing better to do - not even go after people who go through the red lights! Thank you Mr. Policeman.

So people PLEASE - if you have old grandparents trying to drive out there - STOP THEM!


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